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How a Git-Based CMS Can Revolutionise Your Content Management

Looking for a CMS for your SaaS static marketing site? And are put off by the amount most headless CMS’ want you to go through? I know, I’ve been there. That’s why many lean SaaS companies opted for a git-based CMS. Set up is almost too easy, so you can craft content before you know it!

Photo by Carl Heyerdahl on Unsplash

When it comes to CMSs, nothing beats the power and flexibility of a Git-based CMS. By combining the simplicity of traditional CMSs with the easiness of setting it up, a Git-based CMS can revolutionise the way you manage your SaaS’ static site’s content. In this article, we will explore how a Git-based CMS can transform your content management workflow, improve collaboration among your team, and ultimately, save you valuable time and resources. So, if you’re ready to take your development efficiency to the next level, keep reading!

Challenges with Traditional CMS #

Managing content with traditional CMSs can often be a tedious and time-consuming process before you even get started. Traditional “headless CMS’” usually need some serious developers hours before you can start publishing. Additionally, making changes to the website’s content often requires navigating through complex user interfaces, which can be overwhelming and frustrating for content editors. These challenges can lead to delays in publishing new content, hinder collaboration between developers and content creators, and ultimately slow down the development process.

A Git-based CMS addresses these challenges by leveraging the power of Git, a distributed version control system widely used in software development. With a Git-based CMS, content is stored as files in a Git repository, allowing for easy version control, collaboration, and seamless integration with your existing development workflow. Let’s dive deeper into the benefits of using a Git-based CMS.

Introducing Git-based CMS #

So, what is a Git-based CMS? Let’s get there by answering: what’s Git? Git is a version control system that helps developers track changes to their codebase. It allows them to work collaboratively on projects, revert back to previous versions of the code if necessary, and more.

A Git-based CMS is a CMS that uses Git under the hood. This means that all of the content for the website is stored in a Git repository, and changes to the content are tracked and recorded using Git.

Benefits of Using a Git-based CMS #

Using a Git-based CMS offers numerous benefits for your content management workflow:

1. Version Control and Rollback #

With a Git-based CMS, every change made to the content is tracked and stored in the Git repository. This provides a complete history of all content changes, making it easy to roll back to previous versions if needed. This level of version control ensures that your content is always up to date and makes it easy to identify and fix any mistakes or issues that may arise.

2. Improved Collaboration #

Git-based CMSs are designed to facilitate collaboration among team members. Since the content is stored in a Git repository, multiple team members can work on the content simultaneously without the risk of conflicts or overwriting each other’s changes. Developers can use the tools on their computer and less tech-savvy team members can use the git-based CMS.

3. Streamlined Development Workflow #

By integrating a Git-based CMS into your development workflow, you can streamline the process of creating, reviewing, and publishing content. Developers can work on the website’s codebase while content creators can focus on creating and updating content. The Git-based CMS acts as a bridge between the two, allowing content creators to make changes directly in the Git repository without needing to touch the codebase. This separation of concerns improves efficiency and reduces the risk of introducing code-related issues when updating content.

4. Flexibility and Customisation #

Git-based CMSs offer a high degree of flexibility and customisation. Since the content is stored as files, developers can leverage their existing tools and workflows to manage and manipulate the content. Whether it’s using text editors, IDEs, or command-line tools, developers have the freedom to choose the tools that best suit their needs. This flexibility allows for seamless integration with your existing development stack and ensures that you can leverage the full power of Git to manage your content efficiently.

How Git-based CMS Works #

Understanding how a Git-based CMS works is essential to fully grasp its benefits and potential. At its core, a Git-based CMS leverages the version control capabilities of Git to manage and track changes to your content. Here’s a high-level overview of how a Git-based CMS works:

  1. Content Creation: Content creators use a user-friendly interface provided by the Git-based CMS to create and update content. This interface abstracts away the complexities of Git, making it easy for non-technical users to contribute to the content.

  2. Git Repository: Behind the scenes, the Git-based CMS creates and manages a Git repository to store the content. Each piece of content is represented as a file in the repository.

  3. Committing Changes: When content creators make changes, the Git-based CMS automatically commits those changes to the Git repository. Each commit represents a snapshot of the content at a specific point in time.

  4. Version Control: The Git repository keeps track of all commits, allowing for easy version control and rollback if needed. This ensures that you always have a complete history of all content changes.

  5. Publishing: Once the changes are committed, the Git-based CMS can trigger a build process to generate the final static site. This process can include steps such as compiling templates, optimising assets, and deploying the site to a hosting provider.

  6. Synchronisation: If multiple content creators are working on the same content simultaneously, the

Git-based CMS handles the synchronisation of changes. Git’s merge and conflict resolution capabilities ensure that changes from different team members can be seamlessly merged together.

Ease of Setting Up a Git-based CMS #

Setting up a Git-based CMS is easier than you might think. Unlike traditional CMSs, which often require complex server configurations and database setups, a Git-based CMS can be set up with just a few simple steps. Here’s a general overview of the process:

  1. Choose a Git-based CMS: There are several Git-based CMSs available, each with its own set of features and capabilities. Research and choose the one that best fits your organisation’s needs and requirements.

  2. Install and Configure: Follow the installation instructions provided by the Git-based CMS of your choice. This should be no more difficult than selecting your GitHub repository and you are off to the races.3

  3. Import Existing Content: If you already have content that you want to migrate to the Git-based CMS, you can import it into the Git repository. This ensures that all your existing content is available and can be managed using the Git-based CMS.

  4. Configure Content Workflow: Depending on your organisation’s needs, you might want to set up specific workflows for content creation, review, and publishing. The Git-based CMS should provide options to customise these workflows to fit your requirements.

  5. Train and Onboard Users: Finally, it’s essential to train and onboard your team members on how to use the Git-based CMS effectively. Provide documentation, tutorials, and hands-on training to ensure that everyone understands the new workflow and can contribute to the content management process.

Choosing the Right Git-based CMS for Your Organisation #

With the growing popularity of Git-based CMSs, there are several options available in the market. Choosing the right Git-based CMS for your organisation depends on several factors, including your specific needs, budget, and technical requirements. Here are a few factors to consider when evaluating Git-based CMS options:

  1. Features and Functionality: Different Git-based CMSs offer various features and functionality. Assess your organisation’s requirements and choose a CMS that provides the necessary features to meet your needs. Some key features to consider include content versioning, collaboration tools, publishing workflows, and integrations with other tools and services.

  2. Ease of Use: A user-friendly interface is essential when considering a Git-based CMS. Ensure that the CMS provides an intuitive and easy-to-use editor for both technical and non-technical users. The CMS should abstract away the complexities of Git, making it easy for content creators to contribute to the content.

  3. Scalability: Consider the scalability of the Git-based CMS. Will it be able to handle your organisation’s content volume and future growth? Ensure that the CMS can support multiple team members working simultaneously on various bits of content.

  4. Support and Documentation: Look for a Git-based CMS that offers comprehensive documentation, support channels, and an active community. This will help you troubleshoot any issues and stay up to date with the latest developments in the CMS.

  5. Cost: Lastly, consider the cost implications of the Git-based CMS. Evaluate whether the pricing structure aligns with your organisation’s budget and whether the features provided justify the cost.

Conclusion and Future of Git-based CMS #

In conclusion, a Git-based CMS offers a modern and efficient approach to content management. By combining the power of Git with the simplicity of traditional CMSs, a Git-based CMS revolutionises the way you manage and collaborate on your SaaS’ static site’s content. The benefits of using a Git-based CMS, such as version control, improved collaboration, streamlined workflows, and flexibility, make it a compelling choice for organisations looking to optimise their development efficiency.

As the popularity of Git-based CMSs continues to grow, we can expect to see further advancements and innovations in this space. The future of Git-based CMSs holds the potential for even more seamless integrations with existing development tools, improved user interfaces, and enhanced collaboration features. By embracing a Git-based CMS, you can stay ahead of the competition and ensure that your content management workflow is optimised for success.

So, if you’re ready to take your development efficiency to the next level, consider implementing a Git-based CMS for your organisation. Embrace the power of version control, collaboration, and streamlined workflows, and revolutionise the way you manage your content. With a Git-based CMS, you’ll save valuable time and resources, allowing you to focus on what truly matters – creating exceptional content and delivering a superior user experience.

Written by July Forand


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