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How does Contentful compare to Grav?

What is the best CMS for static site generators? Looking to compare Contentful with Grav? This is a detailed review of these CMS options for SaaS teams.

How does Contentful stack up against Grav? Which is the better choice for you?

A detailed comparison on features and pricing.

Logo for contentful Contentful Logo for grav Grav
Price $489/month $0 (paid upgrades available)
Set up Difficult Difficult
Collaborators 10 Unlimited
Kanban workflow
Fine-grained Access
Self Host
Built for SSG
Rich Text Editor
Calendar view
Outputs Markdown
Edit Lock
Comments & Notes
Image Support
Version History
Active Development
Compare View pricing N/A
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Spinal is a Git-based CMS built for SaaS teams

With Spinal you can create and update content on your static site in no-time, because it's as simple as connecting your GitHub repo. The minimal and beautiful UI will help you craft amazing content. With features focussed on small SaaS teams, Spinal lets you collaborate on all your marketing content seamlessy. Learn about all the features from Spinal .

How does Spinal compare to…

Contentful ánd Grav not a fit? Give Spinal a try.

Create, schedule and work together with your entire team on content for your static marketing site. Start your free trial today.

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