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Choosing the Best SaaS CMS for Your Team

Tired of juggling multiple tools and platforms to manage your SaaS marketing site’s content content? It doesn’t have to be like this! Choose the best SaaS CMS (Software as a Service Content Management System) for your team!

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

With the right SaaS CMS, you can streamline your content creation, collaboration, and publishing processes, saving you time and resources. But with so many options available, how do you know which one is the best fit for your team? In this article, we’ll explore why a git-based CMS is key for lean, and fast growing SaaS companies.

What makes a Git-based CMS so perfect for SaaS teams? #

A Git-based CMS is a content management system that leverages the power of Git, a distributed version control system. This means that all your content is stored in a Git repository, allowing for easy collaboration, version control, and seamless deployment. Unlike traditional CMS platforms, which often require complex workflows and manual updates, a Git-based CMS enables teams to work more efficiently and effectively.

One of the key benefits of a Git-based CMS is the ability to track changes and collaborate seamlessly. With Git’s version control system, you can easily see who made what changes, revert back to previous versions if needed, and merge changes from different team members without conflicts. This eliminates the need for manual coordination and reduces the risk of errors or lost work.

Another advantage of a Git-based CMS is its flexibility and extensibility. Since Git is an open-source tool, you can integrate it with other tools and services that your team already uses. Whether it’s integrating with your existing code repository, project management tool, or continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline, a Git-based CMS can seamlessly fit into your team’s workflow. This not only saves time but also allows for greater customisation and scalability as your team and content needs grow.

When it comes to choosing a SaaS CMS, there are several popular Git-based options available. Each of these platforms offers unique features and benefits, so it’s important to evaluate them based on your team’s specific needs and requirements.

Spinal #

Spinal launched early 2022 and has grown rapidly since. Many hundreds SaaS companies now use Spinal to craft lead-nurturing and money-making content more easily and effectively. With features like a calendar view, scheduling content and a kanban-like workflow it’s loved by many. See more at

Decap CMS #

Decap CMS is a user-friendly content management system forked from Netlify CMS. It allows easy creation, management, and publishing of content. Features include a calendar view, content scheduling, and also kanban-like workflow. Check it out at

Tina CMS #

Tina CMS (the successor of Forestry) is a lightweight content editor perfect for developers and content creators. It enables real-time content editing and smooth collaboration. More at

CloudCannon #

CloudCannon is a static site management tool used by web developers and businesses. It simplifies static site updates and offers a visual editor, real-time collaboration, and continuous deployment. Learn more at

Understanding SaaS CMS #

Before diving deeper into the selection process, it’s important to have a clear understanding of what a SaaS CMS is and how it differs from traditional CMS platforms. A SaaS CMS, as the name suggests, is a Software as a Service solution that provides content management capabilities. Unlike traditional CMS platforms that require self-hosting and maintenance, a SaaS CMS is hosted and managed by the provider, allowing teams to focus on content creation and delivery rather than infrastructure management.

One of the key advantages of a SaaS CMS is its ease of use and accessibility. With a SaaS CMS, teams can access their content from anywhere with an internet connection, making it ideal for remote or distributed teams. Additionally, SaaS CMS platforms often provide a user-friendly interface and intuitive workflows, making it easier for non-technical team members to contribute and collaborate on content.Another advantage of a SaaS CMS is the scalability and flexibility it offers. With a SaaS CMS, teams can easily scale their content management capabilities as their needs grow. Whether it’s adding new team members, expanding to new markets, or launching multiple websites, a SaaS CMS can accommodate these changes without requiring significant investment in infrastructure or additional resources. Additionally, SaaS CMS platforms often provide APIs and integrations with other services, allowing for seamless content delivery to different platforms and devices.

Security is another important consideration when it comes to choosing a SaaS CMS. Since SaaS CMS platforms are hosted and managed by the provider, they often have robust security measures in place to protect your content and data. This includes regular backups, encryption, and access controls to ensure that only authorised individuals can access and modify your content. By choosing a reputable SaaS CMS provider, you can have peace of mind knowing that your content is secure and protected.In summary, a SaaS CMS offers several advantages over traditional CMS platforms, including ease of use, scalability, flexibility, and security. By choosing a SaaS CMS, teams can focus on creating and delivering content without worrying about infrastructure management.

The importance of productivity and efficiency in team collaboration #

Productivity and efficiency are crucial for the success of any team, and this holds true for SaaS teams as well. With the right tools and processes in place, teams can streamline their content creation, collaboration, and publishing workflows, allowing them to deliver high-quality content faster and with fewer resources.

One of the key benefits of a SaaS CMS is the ability to centralise content creation and collaboration. With a SaaS CMS, team members can work together on a single platform, eliminating the need for back-and-forth emails or document sharing. This not only saves time but also reduces the risk of miscommunication or version control issues. Additionally, a SaaS CMS often provides features such as real-time collaboration, task assignment, and content approval workflows, making it easier for teams to stay organized and on track.

Another advantage of a SaaS CMS is the ability to automate repetitive tasks and streamline content publishing. With features such as content scheduling, publishing workflows, and integration with other tools and services, teams can automate time-consuming tasks and reduce manual errors. This not only saves time but also ensures a consistent and efficient content delivery process. Additionally, a SaaS CMS often provides analytics and insights into content performance, allowing teams to make data-driven decisions and optimize their content strategy.

Collaboration and productivity are also enhanced through the use of version control and content history tracking. With a Git-based CMS, teams can easily track changes, revert back to previous versions if needed, and collaborate seamlessly without the risk of conflicts or lost work. This not only improves transparency and accountability but also allows for greater experimentation and innovation.In summary, productivity and efficiency are crucial for SaaS teams, and a SaaS CMS can help streamline content creation, collaboration, and publishing workflows. By centralizing content creation, automating repetitive tasks, and leveraging version control, teams can deliver high-quality content faster and with fewer resources.

Factors to consider when choosing a SaaS CMS #

Choosing the right SaaS CMS for your team can be a daunting task, given the wide range of options available. To help you make an informed decision, here are some key factors to consider when evaluating different SaaS CMS platforms:

  1. Ease of use: Look for a SaaS CMS that provides a user-friendly interface and intuitive workflows. The CMS should be easy to learn and use, even for non-technical team members.

  2. Customisation and flexibility: Consider your team’s specific content requirements and look for a SaaS CMS that allows for easy customisation and flexibility. The CMS should provide the ability to create and manage content in a structured and scalable manner.

  3. Integration capabilities: Evaluate the integration capabilities of the SaaS CMS with other tools and services that your team already uses. The CMS should seamlessly integrate with your existing workflows and allow for easy content delivery to different platforms and devices.

  4. Scalability: Consider your team’s growth plans and look for a SaaS CMS that can scale with your needs. The CMS should be able to handle increasing content volumes, multiple websites, and additional team members without compromising performance (or rack up the monthly price drastically).

  5. Security: Ensure that the SaaS CMS platform has robust security measures in place to protect your content and data. This includes regular backups, encryption, and access controls to prevent unauthorised access.

  6. Support and documentation: Evaluate the level of support and documentation provided by the SaaS CMS provider. The CMS should have comprehensive documentation, tutorials, and a responsive support team to assist you when needed.

  7. Pricing: Consider the pricing structure of the SaaS CMS and evaluate whether it aligns with your team’s budget. Look for a CMS that provides transparent pricing and offers a plan that suits your specific needs. Check out also Spinal’s Git-based CMS price comparison tool.

Pricing comparison of Git-based CMS #

At Spinal we collected some of the more known Git-based prices and created this little tool to help you see the different prices for each of them.

Check it out here.

When considering the pricing of a Git-based CMS, it’s important to not only evaluate the upfront costs but also consider other features the CMS’ provides. By choosing a CMS that improves your team’s productivity and efficiency, you can save time, resources, and ultimately drive better results.

Conclusion: Finding the right SaaS CMS for your team’s productivity and efficiency #

Choosing the best SaaS CMS for your team is crucial to boost productivity and efficiency. With the right CMS, you can streamline your content creation, collaboration, and publishing processes, saving time and resources. A git-based CMS offers several advantages for SaaS teams, including seamless collaboration, version control, and flexibility.

When choosing a SaaS CMS, consider factors such as ease of use of the editor, customisation, integration capabilities, scalability, security, support, and pricing. By evaluating these factors and comparing different CMS platforms, you can make an informed decision and choose the best CMS for your team’s productivity and efficiency.

The right SaaS CMS is not just a tool, but a strategic investment that can drive better collaboration, content delivery, and ultimately increase your revenue.

Written by July Forand


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