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Static Site Generators for Vue

Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. It was created by Evan You and first released in February 2014, gaining popularity for its simplicity, flexibility, and intuitive design, making it a popular choice among developers for building web applications.

Gridsome (using Vue) #

Screenshot of the Gridsome websiteCheck out Spinal: a minimal and beautiful CMS for Gridsome, designed for SaaS sites.

Build websites with modern tools like Vue.js, webpack and Node.js. Get hot-reloading and access to any packages from npm and write CSS in your favorite preprocessor like Sass or Less with auto-prefixing. Gridsome is built on Vue.

Learn more at their website.

VuePress 2 (VuePress Next) (using Vue) #

Screenshot of the Vuepress 2 (vuepress next) websiteCheck out Spinal: a minimal and beautiful CMS for VuePress 2 (VuePress Next), designed for SaaS sites.

VuePress is a markdown-centered static site generator. You can write your content (documentations and blog etc.) in Markdown then VuePress will help you to generate a static site to host them. The purpose of creating VuePress was to support the documentation of Vue.js and its sub-projects, but now it has been helping a large amount of users to build their documentation, blogs, and other static sites. VuePress 2 (VuePress Next) is built on Vue.

Learn more at their website.

VitePress (using Vue) #

Screenshot of the Vitepress websiteCheck out Spinal: a minimal and beautiful CMS for VitePress, designed for SaaS sites.

VitePress is VuePress’ spiritual successor, built on top of vite. VitePress is built on Vue.

Learn more at their website.

Nuxt (using Vue) #

Screenshot of the Nuxt websiteCheck out Spinal: a minimal and beautiful CMS for Nuxt, designed for SaaS sites.

Nuxt’s goal is to make web development intuitive and performant with a great developer experience in mind. Nuxt is built on Vue.

Learn more at their website.

These are some of the best static site generators written Vue. Are you missing your favourite one? Get in touch with support.


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