Manage subscription

Upgrade your plan, download or cancel your subscription.

To use Spinal you can upgrade to a monthly or yearly subscription. You can read all the details on the pricing page.

Subscribe to a paid plan #

From your Dashboard, head over to Settings / Account. And choose Subscribe, you will be redirected to the Stripe-hosted checkout page.

Upgrade a subscription #

If you want to upgrade your subscription, say from a monthly plan to yearly plan, you can do so from the Stripe-hosted portal.

From your Account Settings / Account. Choose Manage, you will be redirected to the Stripe-hosted customer portal. From there choose Update plan.

Download invoices #

You can find your invoices in the Stripe-hosted portal.

From your Account Settings / Account. Choose Manage, you will be redirected to the Stripe-hosted customer portal. Scroll down to Invoice history to view and download all your previous invoices.

Cancel a subscription #

If you want to cancel your subscription, you can do so from the Stripe-hosted portal.

From your Account Settings / Account. Choose Manage, you will be redirected to the Stripe-hosted customer portal. From there choose Cancel. You will keep access to your plan’s features until your current period ends.

Thanks for being a Spinal customer!

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