
Customise your content types to make it match your content even better.

With the customisation options for content types, you can make each of your content type completely yours.

Toggle columns #

Team Plan exclusive

Next to your anchor frontmatter, you can toggle other frontmatter to be visible in your content overview.

Screen showing the content column visibility dropdown

From your content overview, find tha little cog icon on the right. From there select any frontmatter keys you want to have visible.

The selectable columns are currently limited to string frontmatter values only. And you can select up to 5 frontmatter keys to be visible.

Order by frontmatter value #

Team Plan exclusive

By default Spinal orders your content by created/published at date.

Screen showing the order by select option

If you want to order by a different field by default, click the cog icon on the right. From the select choose the frontmatter key you want to order by.

Want to reset to Spinal’s default? Select the empty option in the select.

Both the toggle columns and order features can only be changed by Administrator.

Filter by frontmatter value #

Team Plan exclusive

You can filter content based on frontmatter value. Select any visible frontmatter value to select the content by that value. Filtering is limited by a string, datetime or boolean kind values.

Screen showing content filtered by the Collaboration frontmatter value

To remove the filter, select the Remove filter button at the top.

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